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-Breakfast is eaten between 6 and 7 am.

-lunch is at noon (12:00 pm).

-Dinner is eaten between 7 and 8:30 pm.

-During the proper seasons, many tropical fruits like bananas, plantains, mangoes, avocados, starfruit, and pineapple are added to meals for variety.

-Lack of a source of protein causes an issue of malnutrition in Cote d'Ivoire.

- Some types of proteins eaten are peanuts, beans, cattle, fish, lamb, chicken, goat, monkey, deer, and pork (unless you are Muslim).

-Rice, cassava, and yams are very commonly grown and eaten.

-A common meal is called tô is a porridge made of sorghum, millet, and corn flour boiled in water or milk (Most common in the North).

-Another common dish is Fufu, which is yams, cassava, and plantains ground up into a paste, it is commonly used as a dip or a topping on some foods, or can be made into a ball like food (Most common in the South). 

Plantains are a commonly eaten fruit due to the tropical climate.

Fufu is a commonly eaten meal in Cote d'Ivoire


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